I just want to clarify some of the misconception many webmasters and newbies have with Digg, everybody says to digg your posts and its good for your site well yes may be because users of digg are huge and some of them may be stumble up on your link and visit your pages but if you think link from digg is going to be counted as a backlink to your site then you need to think again because its not going to at least in the eyes of Google.
I just made a little research with my firefox plugin on digg to test whether the link carries a nofollow or dofollow attribute from digg and I just found whatever upcoming news you find from digg are nofollowed meaning it won’t be counted as a backlink to your site. just checkout the picture below. link in red are nofollowed.
But wait on the other hand if you have managed to get your to the top meaning if you have manged to grab people’s attention towards your link and made your link popular and that of course is not a easy job to do, as far as I know the trend is like there are already some popular heads or VIPs in digg who got more number of people following them and most of the links that become popular in digg are the ones from these popular diggers, I more often find many interesting diggs from other users in the upcoming section but those hardly make it to the top and the reason is this. But if you have managed to get it popular then you could get link juice from digg.
So is this move from digg justified? well I think yes it will considerably reduce huge loads of spams they receive from people all over the world and especially people who run websites and blogs and most people think if they can copy articles and contents from other sites and post it in to their blog and digg it and if they do that they think article belongs to them which is stupid, Google will not care about your link in digg unless you make it to the top.
Is their any other use in digging your posts? I would say yes because if your title carries some keywords or key phrases your digg page might come on top of Google search and people may click on your link from Digg to enter your webpage so you might get a little traffic from it.
But believe me believing traffic from those sources is a stupidity most people don’t like to click twice to access the information they need, its from my own experience, so best practice is to get your site link directly to the top of Google search index that way you get a lot more traffic directly from people. So build your links in such a way so that you get on to the top of Google directly instead of digg or anyother site getting on top and getting juice from your efforts leaving you with no benefit or least benefit.
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