Many users end up in my blog searching “Sony ericsson themes, Sony ericsson secrets codes ..” etc in search engines but they don’t find exactly what they want. So I thought I will write something which any SE phone user will love.
Firstly let me warn you that playing with your phone settings is not a joke You should take extreme care not to mess up things. you may end up damaging your phone beyond recovery.The tutorial is very simple and the picture below is what I have done to my W580i phone menu.
OK …before you can start with you work make sure you have/satisfy the following
1. XS++ : This is the tool which will help you to transfer your new menu icons to your phone. If you dont have it download it from here .
2. Menu Icons : You can do a quick google search for SE Menu icons and you will get lot of sites with good menu icons. If you dont find any, download any of the below menu icons pack from my site. These were not designed by me (Oh! yes you can design your own menu icons using another tool which I will mention later). I dont know who the designer is but I must say I love the designs.
- (This is the pack which I have used)
4. USB drivers for your phone.
6. Data cable (You cant do anything without this.. bluetooth does not help you in this )
Now here is the step by step procedure.
1. Switch off your phone ( Yes you cannot see a live preview of your new menu… Like DIGG says “Patience My friend is a virtue”)
2. Open “XS++” and you should have something like this
3. Press “Connect” button. Leave the default settings as it is and you will see that XS++ will ask you to connect you phone.
4. Press and hold “c” in your phone and connect your phone to your PC with the USB cable (You have 30 seconds for this).
5. Xs++ will show your phone status (see below screenshot).
6. Now slect the radio button for “FSX” (See below screenshot)
7. Press “Start FSX“. XS++ will start building your phone’s system folders. This may take some time depending on your phone’s model and the amount of data you have in your memory card. Dont worry if XS++ hangs for some time. Wait until all the folders are mapped.
8. Expand “tpa” (Click the + symbol) -> preset -> system -> menu
9. Now you will see a list of files. The PNG files you see are the icons. You will also see a file named This file has all the details about menu icons and their links.
10. Drag and drop the icon files which you have downloaded (Make sure you unzip the contents before uploading). By deafult XS++ replaces all the files but you can delete the existing icons manually.
11. uploading will take some time depending upon the size of your images.
12. Once the upload is complete. Click shutdown and press “Yes” in the confirmation box.
Now disconnect your phone and switch it on.Does it switch on? NO? OMG what have you done? Did you miss any step?
Yes! dont worry the phone will not switch until you perform the next step.
13. Remove and reinsert the battery. Switch on your phone and have fun with your new menu icons.
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As I promised earlier here is the tool which can generate files for your own icons.
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